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Trends are temporary, self love is forever.

Here's a hot take: trend bonds are not it.

Bodies trend. That's the truth. In the early 2000s, the ultra-thin model look was all in. A little more than a decade later, it was all about the curves.Now? Not surprisingly, we're cycling back to similar trends from the early 2000s.

But while there's a current trend for women to be thin and "lean", there is also simultaneously a double standard for men to become big, buff, and VERY muscular. Doesn't all of this seem a little... impossible? That's because our bodies don't change overnight, but somehow trends always do. Creating a constant cycle of unattainable standards, and dye hard individuals trying to reach them at the cost of their health.

And... what's up with that?

Trends don't last (and their not meant to)

Fashion trends are in and out before we know it, and unfortunately, so are body trends. Ideals and expectations to have "desirable" features have driven many to permanently change or harm their bodies just for the look.

And when we bring this topic up -- there's one big elephant in the room that's hard to address: plastic surgery.

People are surgically altering their bodies just to matcha look that'll be in for the next year, at best. While others are damaging their bodies with harmful dieting tactics. But is this all really worth it? This is because a lot of these measures have passed the point of reversibility, yet people are still willing to take them in order to achieve an ideal that is only temporarily considered beautiful.

But luckily, self love is forever

Trends will always come and go, it's a natural cycle of what the public likes, grows bored of, then somehow learns to love again. It's ever changing, and most of all, it's unsustainable, and not a means to put yourself down for not being "on trend".

Self love, however, is forever. We know it's easier said than done, but working towards appreciating what your body can do for you and loving what's great about you rather than focusing on comparing yourself to trends can go a long way when it coms to building good self confidence.

Trends change so often that no one will EVER be able to satisfy every single one of them. So, think twice before you do something life-altering or harmful to your health just to fit in with a trend -- because more likely than note, that trend will disappear a lot quicker than you think.


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