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Introducing Project #novillainfood

Food guilt is at the center of any eating disorder. Be it the irrational fear of consuming food shared amongst anorexic patients or the deep guilt of consuming too much food felt by bulimic patients — food guilt is a feeling all eating disorder patients understand.

But for teens just learning to navigate the world of managing what they eat while navigating what it's like to build self confidence, these feelings of anxiety surrounding food are only amplified.

In response, today, the All Bodies Coalition is announcing its campaign to combat food guilt.

Introducing, Project #novillainfood

Today, we're calling on you to support us in this movement to combat food guilt and help teens across the country achieve food guilt liberation. Help us get this message to the teens that need it most by posting a picture or video of your favorite positive affirmation on Instagram or Tiktok, tag us (@allbodiescoalition), and use the hashtag #novillainfood to get this wave going.

We're counting on you. The teens of America are counting on you too.


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