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Barbie: Is She Really Body Neutral Now?

Mattel claims that Barbie is "woke"

For the past several years, Mattel, the company behind Barbie, has been making headlines for "becoming more inclusive" to represent various minorities, disabled communities, and yes -- different body shapes.

Barbie is notorious for being a feminist "icon". Idolized by young girls for being everything they should strive to be and even more. Her blonde hair, blue eyes, and "slim" body had the world by chokehold, but now, Mattel is trying to change their original doll to make her more "body inclusive" and thus, "woke".

The "new" Barbie

Over six years ago, in 2016, Mattel announced that Barbie would now have three new body types. At the time, this was revolutionary as Barbie had only ever been in the same blonde and slim figure -- thus setting precedent for what society should deem as "the idea female figure". But now, as they try to make strides to change, Mattel has launched several new body types they describe as: tall, petite, and curvy. But is this enough?

Barbie's 2022 Milestones + Will it ever be enough?

Early last year, the first every Barbie doll to have hearing aids was officially unveiled to the public. While great strides are being made to promote inclusivity and diversity amongst the barbie doll collection, not enough is being done for Barbie to be considered fully "woke".

Mattel must put more efforts into breaking down the decades worth of body stigma society has been accustomed to, largely stemming from the original Barbie's legacy, in order to call their dolls that four letter, society-changing word: woke.


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